The Big 4 - Deep Breathing

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Anyone who runs marathons can attest to the importance of breathing properly.

Deep, slow breaths into the abdomen release chemicals that
slow down the central nervous system, thus reducing stress and anxiety.

Let’s practice some deep breathing.

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  • Step 1: Sit, stand or lie down comfortably

  • Step 2: Put one hand on your chest and one on your stomach

  • Step 3: Breathe deeply from the diaphragm: slowly inhale through your nose for a count of four, allowing the stomach to expand

  • Step 4: Exhale slowly for a count of four

  • Step 5: Repeat breaths several times

  • Use the animation to guide
    your inhales and exhales.

    Breathe deeply through the diaphragm.
    Slowly inhale through your nose for a count of four,
    allowing the stomach to expand.
    Exhale slowly for a count of four.
    Repeat breaths several times.